Again, "non-partisan" refers to the way the candiates get through 
the primary and the way the city council itself is organized.  It 
doesn't refer to the candidates and their political/policy positions.

Cara Letofsky
Ward 9

To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Tamir Nolley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [Mpls] non-partisan?
Date sent:              Tue, 6 Mar 2001 17:43:39 -0500 (EST)

>          For all of the talk about the DFL v. the Greens.  I would point out
> that there might be many smaller parties such as the Grassroots Party or the
> Socialist Workers Party who may be running candidates or supporting charter
> amendments this year.  I'd like to see them do so.
>          If this is supposed to be a non-partisan election, it doesn't
> really feel like it.  On the list you can see a lot of partisan shots taken
> by people very committed to the parties they support, but sometimes  in that
> debate the actual residents that those parties are trying to serve get lost
> in the whole discussion.  Though I am a candidate seeking  third party
> endorsements, I really like the idea of the non-partisan election. It forces
> each candidate to run on their issues and how they would best serve the city.
>          I think the best candidates out there are populist and solution
> oriented and the weakest run on their personalities (i.e.  "My name
> is........, I've done .... and .... for my community,  I am....... and I
> am....... etc.)  Our campaign, The Nolley Trolley, is a large group effort,
> so if I started doing that, for weeks I'd be hearing, "this is about more
> than just you!!!,"  And they'd be right.
>          I know that the last election was very tense for many people, and
> that there are a lot of bitter feelings about it,  But we can move beyond
> it.  Remember, most Americans don't vote, and in the last election, about a
> third of Minneapolitans didn't either.  Let's think of constructive ways to
> involve and engage people, not parties.
> ----------------------------------------->
> | Tamir Nolley
> | Candidate for Mpls City Council, Ward 6
> | Mpls 6th Ward City Council Campaign
> | Hop on the Nolley Trolley !
> |
> ----------------------------------------->
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