On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Jay Clark wrote:

> I stopped for the pedestrian.
> Then I heard a screaching of brakes, and a Volkswagen swerving around my
> right and blowing through the crosswalk.
> Fortunately, the pedestrian did not venture onto the crosswalk.
> P.S. I have never been hit by a car in one of these crosswalks. 
> However, I have been hit by a bike that was going 20 mph. and had just
> blown through both  a pedestrian crosswalk sign and a stop sign.
I believe that there is only one solution to this problem:
Enforcement.  If you review the social psychology research
you'll see that you don't normally see behavioral change
without some type of personal accountability.  Speed limits
are one example.  No matter how obvious you make the signs
you won't get compliance unless people think they might
get a ticket.

Mike Atherton
Prospect Park

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