Lynnell Mickelsen wrote:

> 4) Michael Atherton of Prospect Park says diversity is an overrated, urban myth. 
>Maybe he just he hasn't tried it. Or maybe he had a couple bad experiences.  Now to 
>be fair to Michael, I also get impatient with all the endless PC discussions about 
>diversity--all the slogans and cliches and workshops and rants.


Julie Mattson Ostrow wrote:

> Wow, I find it somewhat sad that someone said that diversity is
> overrated!  I love the fact that my kids can be friends with lots of
> people who may not look or have backgrounds similar to theirs. I think
> it only makes them better people and better citizens. It also makes our
> life so much more interesting.
Diversity in this context does not mean being "made up of distinct characteristics,
qualities, or elements."  Rather, it is a social agenda with a proscribed set of 
and behaviors.  What we should strive for is not conformity to a trendy collection of
buzz words, but respect for the fundamental right of an individual to be different from
the norm.  A right that proponents of "diversity" often fail to recognize.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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