jon kelland wrote:

>the public school system
> that has failed relies far too much
> on memorization of facts

It's been popular for a long time to disparage rote learning
as not relying on the native intelligence of children. 
However, there is some rote learning that is necessary.  One
is the times tables so that one can always figure basic math
in one's head or with the aid of a pencil. Another is
parsing a sentence and the rules of grammar whatever the
language.  A third is spelling, particularly in English
where it often seems we have no logical standard. (Plus, you
could always win the national spelling bee, which is a rush
for the kid who wins.)

I'm not sorry for having had to learn the Preamble to the
Constitution, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, the inscription
on the pediment of the statue of liberty, or, my all time
favorite, "Sweeney Among the Literati." I'm not all that
thrilled that I can still recite parts of the Baltimore
Catechism, but that's life.

The utilitarian value is often obscured, but here's an
example:  my father was a bookmaker.  During October in
election years, bookies regularly get arrested so the
Sheriff can get some publicity just before the election. 
The way bookies are caught is through the evidence of
betting slips on their person or in their
digs/crib/"office."  My father never got arrested.  He kept
all the information in his head accurately.
  No way to arrest him.  Course, like all the bookies he
paid a little something into the police benevolent fund on a
weekly basis.  (This was in Cincy.  I'm not casting
aspersions on the local constabulary.)

To quote something I learned by rote at age 10:

"Sweeney heard the sirens singing, heard the blandishments
Stuck his fingers in his ears, ordered several extra beers
Chug-a-lugged to clear his throat and answered as follows
and I quote:
'I don't understand this patter. I think my soul's a private
All this searching and this groaning and this introspective
All this cosmic indecision gripes me more than television.
Ring around the rosy rose, balance seven on your nose.
I would rather have arthritis than catch this
You see the problem now, of course.
Sweeney's a Communist or worse
He has no roots, scorns all tradition, is clearly headed for
 by Robert W. Duncan

I could go on.

WizardMarks, Central
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