At 10:20 AM 6/27/01 -0500, List Manager wrote:
>The press conference will be held at 11 a.m. today (Wed. Jun 27)
>at 2900 East 25th Street (across from Matthews Park). Mayor Sharon Sayles
>Belton and Council President Jackie Cherryhomes will be joined by
>neighborhood leaders and others to talk about the current State tax bill
>negotiations that threaten the funding of City initiatives such as NRP and
>affordable housing.
Thanks Tim Connolly for his report on the NRP press conference.
Unfortunately, I think CNIA's troubles were a good exhibit A to the
legislature on the problems with NRP money getting wasted.  

Currently the CNIA office is constantly left open, and the ED (who is paid
48 K per year plus car allowance) doesn't show up for work, or return phone

Eva Young

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