Most of us are well aware that a major contributor to the affordable housing
crisis is the "demolition quest" the city has been on for almost a decade.
Clearly, the most affordable housing is the housing that we already have.  A lot
of funny math and "functional silo" behavior on the part of city departments and
agencies has contributed to the problem.  MCDA and Inspections both are guilty
of excessive demolition of properties that could have otherwise become
affordable units for folks, whether homeowners, condo-owners, or renters;
everyone who would live in the city has suffered.  Our landfills have suffered,
the timber we use is not old enough to vote (thus poor quality with heartwood
and sapwood everywhere), and increasingly we turn to plastic (petroleum based)
for new construction, which has a pretty short shelf life.  Clearly other
agendas contributed to the demolition quest.  In some cases, I believe otherwise
salvageable houses were demolished simply because that was easier for the staff
person involved (as opposed to cost effectiveness or social agendas).  In some
cases, staff have stated that they believe new construction is the only way
suburban buyers can be drawn into the city (even if it's true, why is that

In light of this history, I challenge the new council (re-elected and newly
elected) as well as mayor-elect Rybak to call for an immediate city-wide
moratorium on non-emergency demolition of housing until recycling policy options
can be reviewed.  A moratorium on demolition would make a strong statement about
how serious the new council is about the affordable housing problems.

I have actually already spoken with a number of council members regarding this
issue, and it was well received.

So folks, how about it?

David Piehl
Central/8th Ward

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