Since people have been mentioning credentials... I have been
in the computer field since 1982, have a MS in computer
science, and have taught computer literacy for ten years.
My current field is educational psychology at the University
of Minnesota in Minneapolis and I've done a fair amount of reading
in the aera of instructional technology while here in Minneapolis,
although I am not an expert.

Heather Martens wrote:

> While I’ve got to hand it to the marketers, I worry about the effect of computers on
elementary schools’ finite resources. My
>   understanding is that there is a vast body of research that says art and music 
young children’s achievement overall.

There are a FEW studies that show art and music improve
achievement, but the evidence is not reliable or strong.  Does
anyone know of any of this type of study that has been
done in Minneapolis?

> At the same time, there seems to
> be no research that shows computers improve young children’s achievement.

The link between computers and achievement is also tenuous.
There are many studies that show that computers are not used, or not
used appropriately, and that teachers are often not trained how to
teach with them.  I am sure that this is also true in the MPS.
Of course this does not imply that even if they were used and
teachers trained, that they would have any greater impact.

I posted some time ago that I thought that computers contribute
little to primary education, but that secondary students should
know how to use them before graduating.  However, when you
look at the overall costs, computers pale in comparison to the
money squandered on reducing class sizes.  This is a great
discussion on how the Minneapolis Public Schools emphasize
"solutions" designed to raise achievement which are generally
ineffective. An even more productive discussion might be to talk
about solutions which are effective.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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