
I got ripped off and I blame the banks.  I did not overdraft my TCF account.
I had my home broken into and a book of blank checks stolen.  The crooks
cleaned me out.  When I was filling out the paperwork at the bank, I asked
how they could cash those checks when the signature clearly did not match?
Of course they have no answer for that.  So what is the point in having
those signature cards if they don't have any intention of checking it
against the one on the check?  I was robbed in January of 2000.  It took
them until April of that year to determine that they should give me back my

Previous to that I had been robbed and the burglars broke windows and such,
and left clear fingerprints on the remaining windows and walls.  I
immediately called the police, touching nothing, so they could gather
evidence.  It took them almost two hours to arrive at my home, and when they
finally got there, they said it was not customary for them to dust for
fingerprints.  They wrote a report, which nothing ever came of, and gathered
no type of evidence.  I was given some crappy story, and I was quite pissed
with the men in blue when they left.  If I hadn't been a law-abiding kind of
gal, I would have hit them over the head on their way out.  They seemed

Incidentally, I lived in the Central neighborhood in a nice house on the
corner of 34th and Park Avenue, I am a woman, and African-American.   Hmm...
Could that have had anything to do with it?

Pamela Taylor

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