I testified before the Ways and Means Committee Friday morning for the Park Board and told of the story from the Awards Ceremony about the volunteer who requested Air Conditioning be installed at Luxton Park and how it can't happen with all the budget cuts we have looming before us this year ( and years to come I presume).
Sandy Colvin Roy then responded with a remark about how we must all take our lumps That this year is the last year of the Minneapolis Awards - it is on the budget chopping block. That is a crying shame - there must be some way to acknowledge the great work of citizens in Minneapolis where it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Years ago the Awards ceremony was a large, well attended sit down dinner, sometimes held at International Market Square. The event has gotten sparse. Held at the Convention Center and serving cookies and punch - how much cheaper can it get? May I suggest hold it in a park (like Boom Island) at a different time of year but good grief - let us figure out how to continue this honoring ceremony.
So for the moment, David and Steven enjoy the glory - it may not happen again for a long time.
For the moment,
Annie Young
East Phillips

At 10:21 AM 11/16/02 -0600, List Manager wrote:
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Those of you who have AOL or MSN - sorry, they force you to send in
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I have to manually forward MIME- and HTML-formatted posts that are
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Finally, thank you to all the members for their kind words and
congratulations on Steve's and my City of Minneapolis awards. Being amid
all the other volunteers and their great works was a true honor, and Ron
was an accurate reporter; I was and am humbled. I love the city and
being recognized by others is wonderful.

The accomplishments of the other winners deserve proper attention. In
the dark fiscal days ahead, their works are a reminder of the great
human spirit to give that will keep Minneapolis a fine place to live.
You can read about them at:


(If the link breaks, there's a hotlink on the city's home page,

I'd like to thank all the members who have turned this concept into a
valuable reality; without your wise and passionate thoughts, all the
management in the world wouldn't mean much. So thank you to all.

Also, thank you to the mayor and council president Ostrow for taking
another weeknight away from their families to honor us, and to the city
staff, including Vaman Pai, who worked hard to put this together.

David Brauer
List manager


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