
I was talking yesterday to Kari Tauring - an old friend, Longfellow resident, community activist, and co-chair of the Hiawatha School PTO. She asked my opinion on the proposal to raise the speed limit along Hiawatha Ave. We talked about it for a bit and I mentioned there's been much discussion about it on this list. Kari doesn't own a computer, but asked that I post partly on her behalf.

Kari's perspective focuses on safety. Hiawatha is a city street in a residential neighborhood and as such it's a street that people have to cross. There have been statements made on this list that pedestrian and bicycle traffic is limited on this corridor. Kari's perception is far different. She was at 38th and Hiawatha on Friday and counted 18 high school students crossing Hiawatha just in the short time she was there. Take that into account along with the fact that the Public Schools are cutting bus service (perhaps eliminating it entirely for High Schools) and there will be even more children who need to cross this street on a daily basis.

When these decisions are made we need to take into account the proper priorities. Which is more important - the traffic that needs to get through this residential neighborhoods as quickly as possible to get home to the suburbs? Or the needs of the residents of these neighborhoods that Hiawatha goes through?

Clearly, the safety of the residents is paramount.

Jim McGuire
Kari Tauring

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