Hello Rep Kahn and Mpls Folks:

I have great respect for Representative Kahn and admire her work and advocacy on many important issues. I have to disagree with her desire to introduce a bill to have new elections next year and agree with Michelle and Jennifer. Representative Kahn should have addressed this issue before the 2001 census and election. I have a hard time understanding the motivation behind this legislation. Did Representative Kahn or other legislators raise this issue prior to the census?

Ken Bradley Corcoran Neighborhood

 Michelle Mensing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I strongly agree with Jennifer Heiser's statements, and I'm not married to a
City Council Member. The only point I would add is that the legislature has
certainly known about this situation well in advance of the redistricting.
If they felt it was anti-democratic, then they should have had the forsight
to deal with it before the 2001 elections. We elected our Council Members
for 4 year terms and the voters' decisions should be honored for the full 4
years. I suggest that the legislators address this issue in 2005 to remedy
the situation for the 2010 census and redistricting.

Michelle Mensing


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