Olin Moore has touted his connections in Washington and his relationship
with the people in power as a plus, which it may well be.  I don't think (or
at least I hope) that Mr. Sabo's continued hard work for his constituent's
depends on those constituents in the Third Ward voting Olin Moore to the
City Council. I know the political system revolves on trading favors, but
Mr. Sabo promised to represent us before  most of us ever heard of Olin
Moore.  To withdraw that representation or diminish it in any way would be
less than honorable on Mr. Sabo's part. Is this going to happen if Moore
isn't elected?  Will Mr. Sabo refuse to listen to Don Samuels if he becomes
the Third Ward Council member?  Will his office refuse to 'ameliorate' our
struggles?  I doubt that this will happen, but I wonder how many people
support Mr. Moore because they feel the Third Ward will tick off the powers
that be if we don't 'vote Moore'?

Anne McCandless

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Mork" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 12:45 PM
Subject: [Mpls] NWA; Don Samuels;NRP

> NWA:
> Dave Brauer must not fly if he doesnt consider NWA a Minneapolis issue.
Man, if they fold, we will lose HALF our service.  And it will have severe
effect on the Minneapolis economy.  Much as I hate to say it, the city and
state have to act as though they care about NWA.  It was a stupid mistake to
let NWA acquire such a position of dominance, in the same sense that it is a
mistake to have a one-product economy.  But the reality right now is that we
let it happen, NWA is sickly, and we'd better think of how we can help
preserve the business.
> Don Samuels:
> Martin Sabo is a mainstream DFLer, just like Olin Moore. If you think you
can find some "self-made" immigrant who can do Sabo's job better than he has
done it, show me.  I don't know that much about Olin Moore, but the fact
that he has connections that Don Samuels doesnt have has got to be the
WEAKEST argument for supporting Don Samuels that I can think.  This city
needs all the connected it people it can get.  You don't wait till you're
sick to find a doctor, and you don't wait till you need connections to make
sure you have them.  A guy who understands the plight of the struggling is
not as valuable as a guy who can help ameliorate those struggles.  Thousands
of people have gotten paying jobs through Sabo's efforts over the years.
How many has Don Samuels helped employ?
> Make any choice you want, but at least think about the choices in a
realistic way.
> NRP:
> I shake my head at people who want to trash programs that have achieved
positive results.  What kind of results would the alternative scenario have
produced?  Don't trade something for nothing because you find the something
disappointing. That's like quitting your job without having another one.
However bad the job was, is nothing better?
> --------------
> Jim Mork--Cooper
> "War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into
our Country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out."
Gen. William T. Sherman (1864) Letter to the Mayor of Atlanta.
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