List members,
Even though I've always used a union printer, I think this union printer issue with Don Samuels is just so much drival. I sure hope the voters in the third ward choose the best candidate for the job based on their viewpoints on the big issues..not whether or not they use a union printer. We so many problems facing the ward and the city and that is what is important. Other candidates haven't used a union printer and still have supported union jobs. This is such a non-issue.
The union printer thing is one of the many on the list of pc things one has to do to run as a DFL'er and perhaps that is what is wrong with the party. Focus on the politically correct rather than on the real issues. I'm really disappointed that the Moore camp keeps banging on this issue in an effort to discredit Samuels. This issue has taken up far too many posts already.
Lisa McDonald
East Harriet
----- Original Message -----
From: dyna
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 8:49 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Don Samuels can't find a union printer?
Wizard reported:

>However, Mr. Samuels' has made a mistake in not having an adequate
>public explanation for why he would not go to a union shop.
>According to Joe Barisonzi in a series of off-list e-mails, Mr.
>Samuels wanted a Third Ward printer for his candidate materials.
>Understandable; he's running for a Third Ward seat.

The 3rd ward is lucky to have such an industrial base, I
suspect that several wards have no printer capable of putting out the
volume of lit that Don Samuels' campaign has used.

>  However, when he went to at least one union printer, the entire
>plant was white, from the manager down to the heavy lifters. I
>checked that out, he was correct about that shop.

There are several union printers in Minnesota, and it was
prejudicial of Don Samuels to judge them all by his experience with
one. That printer may have had an all white staff on the day he
visited simply because they are located in an area that is largely
populated by whites.

>Were I Mr. Samuels I would not spend my and other people's hard
>earned money someplace where, apparently, I would not be welcome as
>an employee in the year 2002.

Agreed, but Don Samuels' has presented no evidence that the
printer in question, or any printer, union or not, discriminates in
hiring. And Don Samuels' decision to base the placement of his
printing business on race scares me- if he wins will he award city
contracts on the basis of race rather than to the most qualified

>I would send that information in the form of the letter to the DFL,
>were I a candidate wanting endorsement. And I would make that part
>of my speech during the endorsement process. e.g., "Ladies and
>gentlemen, you will notice that there is no union bug on my
>literature. I am a
>democrat and I support organized labor, but I will not support a
>union printer who has not succeeded in attracting even one qualified
>member of a minority community to work for his company in the 21st
>century. I cannot, in conscience as a DFLer, not hold all of us to
>our stated ideals." Would he have my vote as a delegate? In a

Don Samuels had my vote as a delegate. He lost it largely due
to his disrespect for union folks and the Democratic Farmer-Labor
Party. Had he made the statement you suggest Wizard I might
reconsider, but he has not.

>Were I Mr. Samuels at this point in time, I would publish a letter
>to the DFL apologizing for failing to be candid as their potential
>endorsee. Had I been a delegate, I would have felt that Mr. Samuels
>had already discounted my vote by failing to be candid on something
>as important as keeping my party on track.

Agreed- Don Samuels could have salvaged his campaign by
apologizing and going to a union printer. Instead his campaign
continues on its arrogant and unresponsive course to the political
graveyard- you don't win in the 3rd ward by 'dissin' labor.

>Too, I suspect Mr. Samuels of having been given bad advice by his
>campaign committee, knowing Joe Barisonzi. Joe, you do have a
>tendency, verily more than a tendency, to be arrogant and careless
>of respecting other points of view among DFLers, even when asking
>for their help.

Agreed. In fact, I suspect the damage done to Don Samuels'
image is so severe as to destroy his prospects for a 5th ward run in

from the heights of Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter

>WizardMarks, Central
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