It uses an interesting methodology based on left/right
brain association. They check for hidden biases
regarding various minorities, genders, ages, body
image and sexual orientations.

To get an accurate result, it is important to go
quickly enough so that your reactions are reactions
rather than thought out. It could certainly be
debated, but the methodology seems pretty reasonable
to me as far as such things go.

Of additional interest beyond the test results might
be to try to pay attention to your emotions during the
test and when you get the results.

If a test reveals no bias, does it make sense to feel
proud about it or is that like being proud that you
didn't beat anyone up today?

If a test reveals bias, do you try to justify or
minimize them? Are you comfortable with your bias? Do
you want to try and change it?

To be clear, while it is, of course, your choice, I
don't expect anyone to post their results to the list.
The positive use I see is for introspection, not to
try and get a gold star.

- Jason Goray
Sheridan, NE

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