Hondas may be the target in one neighborhood. Here in Seward, we have equal opportunity thieves. Different makes and models have disappeared  with 2 attempted thefts and 6 successful thefts in my immediate vicinity in the last several weeks. I suspect that there is an increase in car thefts and other crimes throughout the city. I have talked to neighbors who've had cars stolen from locked garages. Others have had them stolen when they'be been locked on the street. Still others have chased them down the street after they left them running when they returned to their home momentarily to retrieve something they'd forgotten.
    According to tv reports, Kenwood residents suffered many burglaries this winter; businesses along Hennepin Ave. faced a rash of armed robberies, and that is also happening on the streets  to individuals near Powderhorn.
   What I found interesting is that we citizens are supposed to install security devices and protective devices.  I understand that no one should not leave  a car warming up, but shouldn't having a vehicle locked be "reasonable" deterrence?
    Where are these vehicles ending up? Are they being used for joy rides and turning up again? Or are same model thefts disappearing into a "chop" shop?
    The problem is far broader than these thefts.CODEFOR crime maps do show patterns. Unfortunately, a number of factors make me concerned that these problems will not lessen.
Jean Johnstad

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