In response to David Brauer's sincere question.
  I have been having difficulty getting "the other view" represented in the documentary I am doing on homlessness in the twin cities. I keep trying to find people who will go on film, who believe in what they say enough to have it recorded for public viewing.
   The "other view" I want to have on film is:
       1) people who sarcastically say to give out $20 bills, "they will rob you", it will only encourage "them" to come to Minnesota, etc.
        2) People who claim they are liberal and say they listen to the news who then turn around and ask "sincere questions" about the obvious i.e. that shelters are overflowing in Mpls and people are forced out to the streets to sleep.
       3) People such as Steve Brandt who write about affordable housing (whatever Brandt means by this) but will not go on film to talk about what they mean, what the biases they may have that go into their reporting. I have informed Mr. Brandt I want to interview him and he declines so far. I first became interested in his view when he referred to people forced to survive outside in the cold as "winter camping."

    So, I would love any of the three above to come on down to the campout..and let me interview you... and you also will get the flier that gives you information on homelessness in Mpls.
    In order to be informed, you usually have to be involved or at least care rather than getting into "pissing matches" on this forum.
          Please, if you really believe what you are saying  come down to the Government Center between 3p.m. this Sat. and 9a.m. this Sunday so you can share your views for postertity. The camera is waiting.
           Margaret Hastings-Kingfield-Minneapolis

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