Great! A response from the pro-graffiti crowd.

> Michael Atherton wrote:

> Please offer some specific examples of this claim. I understand that
> many people do not like seeing graffiti in their neighborhoods, some
> however do. It's a big stretch to assign a cause of "lower quality of
> life" to graffiti. Even a correlation with quality of life 
> seems hard to come by in our city. 

Ok, so it's an aesthetic taste.  If you like graffiti and
razor-wire then you should move to L.A., that's where I'm
from.  I thought it was time to leave when they started
warping the freeway signs in razor-wire to keep them from
being painted over. They're hard to read with graffiti
all over them.  If that's not a quality of life issue, I don't
know what is.  I'm not sure about you, but I find freeway
signs to be helpful aspect of living in a large city and I
have a personal aversion to razor-wire.

> My recollection of the Stribune piece a few years ago was that the
> highest incidence of graffiti was NOT concentrated in those
> neighborhoods suffering with abundant poverty and crime. 
> Someone with a better memory might correct me on this.

Maybe it's not concentrated in poor neighborhoods here, but
is was in L.A.  You don't see as much in Beverly Hills,
San Marino, or Newport Beach.
> Please try demonstrating this correlation if you believe it's there.
> Until then, I can list many things that are higher on the "quality of
> life" list than graffiti. I think I heard we might be closing some
> libraries soon. 

Let's just say that graffiti is a sign post on the road
to deterioration.  I've lived in four cities and have watched
it occur in all of them.
> I see this as mainly an aesthetic issue, especially on public 
> property.

Great, I'm glad.  You will still be living here when I am not.
I was just trying to share a little personal wisdom with you.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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