Just out of curiosity, I went looking and found
the following article on who this year's National
Merit Scholarship winners were: 

Scanning through the list, I see TWO winners from
South High, the place where Philips teenagers get
their schooling. Over in St Paul, I see one from
Central High.

Most of the rest come from Greater Minnesota.
Most Twin Cities suburbs don't have any at all.
Must we conclude that parents in suburbs are not
as eager as south Minneapolis parents to get
their kids to achieve?

Meanwhile, I checked with my niece who is a South
High grad, class of '91.  She said back in her
era, South had as many as 19 National Merit
scholars in one year. Explanation: It was an
academic magnet school.  I guess the bright
students who had the choice chose South.  I
wonder how much the overall count for Minnesota
has dropped, if South has gone from 19 to 2.
By the way, you critics of MPS, check this:

And you defenders, check it too.  All is not bad
in the kingdom of MPS
(Personal note: The son of an old friend of my
wife's, a family that stuck loyally with the Mpls
public system, was elected president of the
Minnesota Association of Honor Societies. Shows
you what can happen with dedicated PARENTS. Their
ELDER son is a student at U of Chicago and
sometimes posts messages here.)

I'm afraid Mr. Atherton failed to get the gist of
my message. I wasn't talking about
"self-motivated" students. I clearly talked about
how high the parents set the bar. But I was
talking about students whose parents SHOW the
value they put on education.  Mine both had
Masters degrees, my father getting his before he
even began a serious career. And as I said, they
did very little watching of TV or other
entertainment like that. My father was a bowler
and a bridge player. My mother mostly just
work-work-worked. She was the school teacher, so
her dedication was very direct.  No one had to be
Einstein to get that she considered school
important.  So, we didn't get chased around to
work on studies.

But I do fault TV. My study habits were ingrained
before entertainment became Job 1 in America.  We
had some, but it wasn't the focal point of life.
Nowadays it is.  And America is worse as a

Jim Mork
Cooper-Longfellow-Minneapolis (L'Etoile du Nord)
"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism,
since it is the merger of state and corporate power."
… Benito Mussolini ...

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