All this talk about local businesses and old theaters has got me
wondering... what are some of the oldest operating businesses in
Minneapolis, big or small? Dayton's took down their sign (they weren't
really "Dayton's" anymore any way). Who's left/what's left? What little
hardware stores are still going and which one is the oldest? Is there a
little candy store left in the city? A soda fountain? What bar or
restaurant has been operating the longest? How about drug stores?
Burch's Pharmacy has been on the corner of Hennepin and Franklin for
close to 75 years and is quite a time capsule.  Walk inside and it still
feels like a small town drugstore out of the '70s except that the
magazine rack is current and the clerk may be sporting a nose ring. They
even have a little Post Office sub-station for the convenience of the
neighborhood. What's left of Old Minneapolis? Maybe this list can
generate a little interest and a little business for our local business

Dan Prozinski
Cedar Riverside
(Home of the Viking Bar, established in the '30s, trapped happily in the

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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