While I thank Shawn for joining MADDADS on Franklin and Park I am not sure
his appreciation of horseback cops is justified.  They are incredibly
expensive for the results they achieve.  Sure they are a great PR tool and
little kids love them, but I am not sure they present more than a symbolic
gesture.  One cop with a drug sniffing police dog would do more good on that
corner than a platoon of US Cavalry on horseback.

You are correct about the bike cops however.  They are out of their cars and
still able to cover ground.  What is the relative maintenance cost for a
bicycle versus a live horse? Symbolic gestures are cool and we certainly
appreciate them, BUT we probably would appreciate a little more results and
a little less "Symbolic".
Since we are talking about spending money wisely, did anyone catch the
editorial on Barrett Lane in the Strib?  WOW what a great piece. Though I
did take Barrett to task early on about NRP, I must say Barrett has become
one of NRP's finest allies. Though I am not sure Barrett would admit it, but
actions speak louder than empty promises.  I wish some of NRP's friends (who
made great promises when they were running for office) were as supportive.
Council Member Lane also was very pointed when taking on the thinly
disguised attempt by some politicians and Center "Against" the Neighborhoods
to take over NRP.  Barrett saw Gretchen's and Rubedor's "Regional Plan" for
what is was, just another spigot to suck Neighborhood NRP dollars away.

 Though I sometimes disagree with Barrett on issues, I must admit that
Minneapolis is fortunate to have someone who cares where the money goes.
Without conserving our tax dollars we will not have enough to support the
really important needs of our City.  Safer Streets and better housing will
do more for the economic vitality, well being, and "Quality of Life" of
Minneapolis than Brookfield and Downtown Target combined. We need to invest
wisely and our neighborhoods are that wise investment.

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village

The people are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.
- Thomas Jefferson

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2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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