Congratulations.  I believe you understood my point.
I have never needed anyone, White, Black, or otherwise to lead me anywhere.  I can agree with, or disagree with, someone's point of view, or toss out my own.  It is just like Black History Month.  Somebody decided that celebrating once a year was enough, like Christmas, and a majority of Black folks fell into line with it.  I simply cannot.  I am very proud to be Black the other eleven months, too.  I don't need to be patronized by White companies putting ads in minority publications once a year.  It is simply another way of being put in a box.
Its the same way with this leadership thing.  It is a crock, and there is no Great Black (or White, or Hispanic, etc.) Hope out there.  There are simply people who take stands.  We all need to remember that - they are only flesh and blood not Gods.  We can admire folks for their leadership abilities and willingness to put themselves on the line for causes, but don't let it turn in to a three ring circus.  Listen to the issue or review the cause for yourself, and make up your own mind.  Kinda like movie reviews.  The critic may say its a bad movie, but if you like cheesy movies, go see it.  Decide for yourself how you feel.
Be an individual.  The world was built on people following their own hearts and minds.  And, again, it is the best thing you can teach your children.
Pamela Taylor

Eric Oines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You are all missing the point.

White people defining "Black leadership" is stupid, just as Black people
defining "white leadership" is stupid.

I think what Booker T is saying, if I may, is that this whole "Black
leadership" thing ends up being a way to pidgeon-hole people of color and
then discredit people who speak out. And of course, Mr. Krasnoff took the
bait immediately with a litany of "discredited Black Leaders".

Randy Staten doesn't represent Booker T Hodges any more than Rush Limbaugh,
Strom Thurmand, David Duke, Tim Pawlenty, Robert Lillegren, or RT represents

I just love how some of the white folks get defensive when the tables are

Thanks for the chuckles...

Eric Oines
North Minneapolis

"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and < BR>love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall - think of it,
~ Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948), Agitator

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