Listmembers will be happy to know that if they choose to abandon their SUV, Porsche, Mack, or Cat on the premises here at Sluyter's Corner it will probably not be towed. I'll even tolerate dumpsters if the scrap prices are high enough. Further, to secure these assets against unauthorized removal I keep a few chains handy, the kind you have to drag along because they're too heavy to carry. I consider anything of value left on my properties to be abandoned, to be disposed of at my pleasure...

Since implementing this policy I have never had to enforce it. One contractor working on the next lot was under the impression that he could trespass a bit onto my lot to give himself a bit of "working room". I covetously eyed up his late model mid sized Ford tractor with backhoe and bucket, brought out a chain and padlocks, and explained my "no tow" policy to him. Thenceforth he was most respectful of the property line.

On a more serious note these folks that think they can use someone's loading dock for free parking cause far more expense for the property owners or leasees than they pay in even inflated towing charges. For example, for the past few weeks the loading dock at the Loring Post office has been repeated blocked by idiots who think nobody works there after the front door is closed. In reality most deliveries are made at night and on weekends, and those selfish idiots blocking the loading dock are delaying mail for thousands of people. We've been tolerant of this in past, but our patience is wearing thin. Perhaps some well publicized federal prosecutions for delay of the mail, a federal crime, will solve this problem? Sadly, it seems that the only thing some people understand is having to take a long cab ride to an impound lot in the middle of nowhere to spend a couple of hundred dollars to get there car back.

So if folks don't want to be "victims" of overpriced private property towing simply don't park on private property without permission.

standing by with the big chain and 4x4 in Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter

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