Thanks to CM Niziolek for sitting down at his computer at the very beginning
of this Independence Day to write at length and with care about his purposes
related to the renewal of the Uptown branch of the Minneapolis Public
Library. We had a Carnegie library in Portage, WI when I was a youngster in
the late 1940s and that treasure house stood out for me far beyond other
institutions in my home town. I had to partner with my parents, teachers,
and religious mentors because I had a fierce curiosity about every sort of
thing and the structured learning environments and interactions with my own
age peers couldn't hold a candle to the wonders at my fingertips a few short
blocks from where I lived. To this very day I view the public library as a
sturdy and reliable source for the intellectual building blocks I've
accumulated over the years.   

Whatever the roads I've traveled since those early days, I still relish the
sense of potential discovery that comes over me when I walk down the
Greenway from Ebenezer in West Phillips to the Walker Library in Uptown.
Sometimes I prefer to amble through my old Whittier neighborhood or down
Lake St. - ever interesting alternatives - but the clarity of the purposes
of my trip to the library has never wavered for the thirty-five years that
I've spent here in Minneapolis since I arrived on July 4, 1969, as it
happens. Thank goodness for the MTC when I'm not up for the exercise and
more thanks for the Library's digital world. We are so very blessed in this
city and this country of ours.   

There are plenty of nifty positives I can trot out about Minneapolis and its
leadership but not all gardens are tended in public view and not all
contemplations are meant to be shared. Even the grand universities I've had
the privilege to be a part of don't have the unique blend of repository of
knowledge and precondition of populist access that invites my still
youthful, sometimes private, but still persistent curiosity. The Walker
Library should surely be there for Dan's twins and all the other youthful
lights that will celebrate our Independence Days on into the future.   

Fred Markus, West Phillips     

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