By July 2002, the MPRB formed a partnership with Bob Naegle III, Dan Peterson (project manager) and a silent partner dba The Fort LLC aka The Fort Inc. The Fort LLC was given a 30 year lease on 7 acres including the 201 Building aka the Drill Hall at Ft Snelling. MPRB purchased this park area part of the original $14 million investment - so the 7 acres was worth roughly $2.1 million.

The Fort LLC ( planned to build an indoor skateboard park and a rock climbing wall in the 27,000 sf Drill Hall as well as "a 75,000-square-foot outdoor skatepark, two outdoor in-line skating and ice hockey rinks, a food vendor and a retail store. The essence of a skatepark is a collection of ramps for skateboarders." See Scott D. Smith in the Business Journal for more details on this project The project budget, $3-$4 million, was categorized as high for this type of project. Financing was not secured before the MPRB entered into the partnership. Within a year, this project budget apparently climbed to $6 million. With the MPRB land - this would have been a capital cost of $8 million.

By December 2003, Bob Naegle III as Athletica Chairman and Founder was involved in the POWERade Iceport, a similar project in Wisconsin. (

The Fort LLC failed to pay its contractors and by April 2004, all work ceased. The MPRB canceled the lease. At the September 1, 2004 MPRB meeting, staff reported that insurance might cover part of the $2.5 million liability. At the September 15, 2004 MPRB meeting, the Board authorized staff to negotiate with new unknown developers for an unspecified project at the 201 building

And, the MPRB remains on the hook for $2.5 million in liens on 201 building.

Why did the MPRB even want an $8 million skatepark at Ft. Snelling? Operated by a for-profit company! How does this fit with the MPRB goal of using Ft Snelling to better serve our park kids?

Shawne FitzGerald

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