as many people have heard by now the global village is coming sometime in 2006.its impact on lake street in the old sears building is being touted as major progress for that corridor.for the people on the ground who are being touted as the potential tenants it has become something of major discussion,i represent about 150 members of the microenteprise community some on lake and others in and around the city.some of our latino neighbors in business are also very concerned.
the vision of the global village is to brring ethnic and minority owned businesses as a showcase into a new modern facility and to put the businesses in a more mainstream market.i have heard from people in my community who think that will never work.I commend all the good intentions that went into the concept but ultimately it will fail,that part of the concept anyway.I know for a fact our members concerns,
criteria-a business can only sell ine item.
timeliness-the rigidity of the store opening and closing schedules.
communication-lack thereof
flavor-one cannot infuse ethnic flavor its either there or not.
salesmanship-most owners cannot afford employees.
viability-will those businesses succeed in a new place.
second jobs-every microentepriser has a day job.

i also hear a lot of the people want the loans being offerd but are afraid to make that is very difficult for most of the business owners who are very minimally educated and need a lot of support in education ,business skills and financial support to take that major next step.

this mall will also demolish all the little niche market spaces spread out all over lake street that is reclaiming the neighborhood and putting eyes on the street evrywhere.i hope all those involved tread a little more softly

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