I can understand the concern everyone has with the change in ownership, but
if T-W is superior to Comcast, it might have to do with the "plant" - the
infrastructure, cabling, lines, equipment, etc. - that T-W has in place and
Comcast will inherit when they take over. That should mean no reduction in
the quality of service T-W has provided ‹ unless, somehow, Comcast replaces
the present plant with substandard stuff, which doesn't make any sense.

I'm no defender of corporate consolidation and acquisition under any
circumstances, but the sheer exclusivity cable franchises negotiated back in
the early 80's means that the system already in place is simply changing
owners and Comcast will hardly be likely to substitute a bunch of junk for
the present equipment and services.

I suppose channel offerings could change, but I have no idea whether our St.
Paul channel configuration(s) are superior to Time-Warner's or vice versa.

Rushing to judgment on this issue is a mistake, but you can always work
through the city's franchise administrator to bring pressure to bear on this
transaction to ensure the same or better quality from Comcast as Time-Warner
has provided.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul
The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men: Plato

 "Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing
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> From: "Dan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Subversive Pictures
> Reply-To: Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 15:16:38 -0500
> To: <mpls@mnforum.org>
> Subject: Re: [Mpls] RE:  Comcast coming to Mpls  :o(
> I've seen both Time Warner's and Comcast's services in action. I am
> currently a Time Warner subscriber. In my experiences, Time Warner provides
> a superior service. They are faster to embrace new technology, put it to
> better use, and offer a better value.
> Nothing wrong with some competition, though.
> Dan McGrath

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