The subhead says crime is up "thanks to opposition to racial profiling." This 
is a pretty repulsive concept. The only evidence he offers is that he has been 
advised "by a highly knowledgeable law enforcement officer" that the police 
department had been "paralyzed by the racial disparities crusade."
He also says Minneapolis is a "case study in the destructive effects of 
one-party liberal rule."
He doesn't make the case to support his racist political agenda. So I think 
continuing to work for justice with good education, employment opportunity, 
decent housing and common sense public safety with enough cops on the street to 
be proactive is still the best idea.
-Nikki Carlson
One of the "lakeside liberals" referred to in the article, but for whom crime 
is a problem, because I want to see this city and all its residents succeed
Linden Hills
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