Dennis Plante wrote:

The question that needs to be asked - was PM's campaign out soliciting funds from bar/restaraunt owners prior to this testimony being evaluated under the premise that he had already switched his vote?

I seriously doubt it because these bar owners (and that's where the issue will be located) were out looking to back the one who would at least look at the consequences of the ban on their businesses. That's normal behavior. Stonewall DFL, in evaluating candidates, does the same thing re: GLBT issues, as does NOW, MCCL, lead mine owners (well, not here in Mpls) corn oil barons, etc. Their support is contingent on the candidate signaling that he/she will find a way to revisit the issue.

Each of us (those who question the candidate without portfolio, as it were) does the same thing. I'm looking for the candidate who (1) has a more than superficial grasp of the issues and some reasonable solutions in mind, (2) knows how to maneuver at city hall, the county, and the legie, (3) agrees with my own notion of where we want to direct the general trend of the city (in the instance of a mayor).

The only difference is, you and I generally got about ten to fifty bucks, maybe even a hundred to throw into the pot and might be able to persuade a couple of neighbors and a spouse or equivalent of same, while the bar owners have considerably more shekels to deliver and probably more votes from their customers. But the bar owners have the same rights to ask for consideration of their issues as we do.

Candidates don't make up their slates of issues entirely out of their heads; they listen around for what people are honked off about, look into those issues, and create at least part of their platforms from the results.

WizardMarks, Central

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