When I look closely at Park Board process, I see problems:
Parliamentary procedure:
The discussion at the planning committee on August 3rd is an incoherent free 
for all of amendments and motions and statements. In the end a motion was 
passed, but because Chair Fine ran the meeting so poorly there is no record of 
what happened to the amendments.
Problems with the law:
 There are legal obligations that regulate the conduct of the Board. You 
can't just make stuff up about a soft approach to following the law. There are 
requirements for Citizen review, notice, hearings and appeals. What are the 
chances that the public hearing on August 17 will meet all the legal 
of the ordinance about what is required for a public hearing?

Problems with the lawyers:
No matter what your position about the DeLaSalle proposal- the shared use 
agreement contract itself is an embarrassingly poor legal document. What kind 
legal advice is the Park Board getting when there is no stipulation of actual 
shared use, no indemnification for mechanics liens and no reference to 
consistency with Park ordinances, like prevailing wage agreements? 
And the biggest question-does signing this shared use agreement constitute an 
obligation that is irreversible meaning that citizen review has no bearing on 
this process?

Scott Vreeland   Seward

Did notice of a public meeting get mailed to a three block surrounding area?
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