> The police deliberately and knowingly allowed the continued, systematic
> break-ins and burglaries of parked cars in our neighborhood, and
> Shegstad with arrest for trying to stop it!
> Shegstad filed a complaint with Internal Affairs, and contacted the Mayor.
> The Mayor's office is investigating.
> Mark Anderson responds:
> If everything happened exactly as you related it, this truly is
> Please keep us informed as to what happens to Shegstad's complaint.  Maybe
> this story should be sent to the media; since the police don't seem to
> complaints seriously unless widely publicized.

Actually, on reviewing Dave Shegstad's written complaint to Internal
Affairs, I did discover a point of fact I was mistaken on. Dave Shegstad DID
make a citizens arrest, but did so with uniformed police assistance. He
didn't have to handle that phase solo, at least. Other than that timing
misunderstanding (due to verbal retelling by Dave to me), the story as I
related it is accurate. The officers briefly detained the suspects, wrote
citations, and let them go. Twice. The third complaint went unheeded, and
the sergeant on duty later called Shegstad, told him to get back in his
house, and stop calling, or the sergeant would arrest DAVE.

> I would sure like to hear a police response to this.  Greg Reinhardt, does
> the description of the activity above make sense to you?  Do you have
> insight as to what happened there?  My understanding is that you don't do
> police relations anymore, but can you forward it to whoever does?
> Anne McCandless, do you have any insight on this?  Does it make sense that
> cops would merely give a citation to burglars if "only" a misdemeanor?

After posting my story, Inspector Scott Gerlicher, 3rd Precinct commander
wrote me a brief email, saying he'd reviewed the reports on this incident,
and he'd like to speak with me. He'd like to explain some "limitations to
the system" as far as their ability to make arrests, and take people to
jail. I haven't had the opportunity to speak with him yet, but look forward
to the conversation. At present, the situation still seems mind-boggling.
I'm hoping Inspector Gerlicher will shed some light on this issue when he
and I speak.

I've also received a couple emails from other citizens who have had similar
experiences with the police. It doesn't appear to be an isolated case, but a
system-wide breakdown in the police's ability to do their jobs. Are we on
our own?

Dan McGrath

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