As to the CP Zimmerman FBI Investigation: 
Does anyone but me remember the guy hired to do an independent investigation 
of the council after Brian Herron was indicted? The guy who came from out of 
town and left with a fat check. He gave the city council a clean bill of 
health, and soon after that announcement the FBI indicted CP Biernet.

I, for one, do not believe any of these council people should be there long 
term. The temptation is too great for SOME of them. I do not know whether CP 
Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, I will reserve judgment in all fairness. Will 
someone please tell me why so many council people are shredding documents? It 
should be mandatory that they keep document for review, since they represent 
the publics interest.

On a sad note: I attended the funeral today of a great actitivist/advocate of 
education, name Evelyn Eubanks. She was the council Aide of Natalie 
Johnson-Lee. What saddened me was that CP Johnson-Lee was the only person from 
council in attendance. I would think that the council, as a whole, would be 
present to mourn the loss of someone working for the city council. Let's be 
without Aides nothing would ever get done in the city council. Most of the 
emails and phone calls are answered by the council aides. So I would like to 
my respect out to all of the Minneapolis city council aides.

Evelyn Eubanks was instrumental in getting legislation past pertaining to the 
education of our children. She was a single parent to 6 children, all of whom 
she home schooled. Three of which went on to college. The younger three, two 
in highschool and one in elementary school, now have to attend public school 
or private schools. In her memory, a fund is being set up at TCF Bank under 
Evelyn Eubanks Scholarship Fund. The account should be up in approximately 1 
week. There was a large amount of donations after the funeral. One thing we all 
love are our children and their education.

All of my prayers go out to the Eubanks family.

Michelle Hill

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