[To Star-Tribune editors. Please publish the text of this email as a letter 
to the editor no later than Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2005. Thank you.]

Dean Zimmermann is the target of a politically motivated frame-up and smear 
campaign being carried out at taxpayers expense. Consider: The timing of the 
sensational raid on Dean Zimmermann's house to seize documents that are already 
in the public domain (at a Hennepin County website). The FBI press releases. 
The evidence presented in reports published by the Star-Tribune.  The ulterior 
motive: Kill the Green Party's chances of holding and gaining seats on the 
city council this fall.

The FBI's case against Dean rests heavily on sworn statements by a 
'cooperating witness' who allegedly "bribed" Dean. The cooperating witness is 
a building contractor who didn't actually get anything in return for money 
allegedly given to Zimmermann to help with costs of the Green Party's 
redistricting lawsuit and Zimmermann's reelection campaign. Of two request for 
changes within Dean's ward, one didn't go anywhere at all, and the other was 
at all controversial.

I suspect that all DFL candidates seeking reelection to the city council have 
taken money from business owners who apply for permits, zoning variances, 
etc. You can't run a business without being subjected to regulations that might 
require action by the city council. The question is whether those campaign 
contributions are made in exchange for promises of favors.

I urge elected officials and candidates for public office in Minneapolis to 
join me in denouncing the FBI's frame-up of Dean Zimmermann, and in calling for 
a public inquiry into this monstrous abuse of police power by the FBI.   

-Doug Mann, King Field, 8th ward
Candidate for city council and Green Party member
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