Recently I posted the text of a flyer distributed at the 
Schiff/Bicking campaign forum on October 26 and speculated that it 
was authored by David Tilsen and possibly distributed by Barb Tilsen.

David Tilsen responded to my post:

"Well I did not see the original post, but I did not write anything 
that mentions Annie Mae. whom I did know and whom I mourn.

Barb certainly did not hand out any materials at any forum, as she is 
eschewing electoral politics this year and has not attended 

I accept this statement and apologize to David and Barb Tilsen.  I 
found some similarity between the logic I heard David use on his 
Northern Sun Radio appearance on behalf of Zimmerman for Justice 
recently, went too far based on innuendo, and jumped to conclusions.  

I am sorry for going out on that limb, but I remain angry about this 
offensive flyer which is no less real.  It remains unattributed; that 
was the intention of whomever produced it.  Silly me.  

On primary day, Brandon Lacy Campos posted a report from Farheen 
Hakeem that a McLaughlin campaign worker was campaigning in the 
Somali community of Cedar-Riverside by "telling voters not to vote 
for Farheen Hakeem because she is a lesbian and therefore not a true 

The McLaughlin campaign said that the individual was not affiliated 
with the campaign, despite the public protestations of Brandon and/or 
Hakeem, but Peter himself responded, clarifying that the individual 
was not one of his campaign workers and  condemning the tactic of  
using a homophobic appeal in campaigning. End of story.  

So why not ask the Zimmermann and Bicking campaigns to say that they 
had nothing to do with his flyer?  Why not ask that the Zimmermann 
and Bicking campaigns say that they don't approve of this tactic of 
laying prejudicial,  unattributed, and (what I consider) offensive 
information in the form of suggested questions on the chairs prior to 
a public candidate forum?   (The act is akin to push polling, which 
the American Association of Political Consultants condems.) Why not 
ask that they publicly condemn the use of Stonewall as a slur against 
an openly gay council person?  

I challenge the Zimmermann and Bicking campaigns to be address each 
of these issues.

Russell Raczkowski



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