On Monday 03 October 2011 11.27:39 Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 03/10/2011, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> > There are mirrors of mseide-msegui and mseuniverse on Sourceforge
> > already. Because of the US access restrictions for several countries we
> > need a more open alternative. Which?
> I host fpGUI on SourceForge and GitHub (and some other projects
> exclusively on GitHub). I'm very happy with GitHub, and it has some
> excellent features and is fast (much more so than SourceForge). No
> idea if they apply the same access restrictions as SourceForge. There
> is no mention of it when you create an account or a new repository.

What about Savannah?
It seems to provide NNTP additionally to mailing lists.

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