Hallo Graeme,

Du schriebst am Fri, 11 Jan 2013 09:49:03 +0000:

> Another option I use quite often for short videos (1 minute max) is to
> use an Animated GIF.

What does it do better than any other format?

> Here is an example of posted for somebody. They argued that the fpGUI UI
> Designer couldn't create the form they wanted. Instead of me writing a
> 20 page document on the subject, I did the quick animated gif to prove

Nice... _Did_ it have the intended effect? I.e. did it teach the person
what to do to get what he wanted, or did it just provide him with that one
sample you prepared for him?
To really learn what the critical steps be, I'd have to view it multiply
fully (ignoring your also recorded mishaps and mistypings), re-repeat
watching several sequences I think might be relevant, just to discover some
really aren't, and end up taking noted as to what happened, what it
effected and what might be important.
Yes, this boils down to taking _a lot more_ time that your writing "a 20
page document" (which it wouldn't have become) - albeit the time had to be
spent by the one to be taught, not the teacher. 
It seems that this might be the real intention behind the proliferation of
video "tutorials" - shift the time consuming part away from the teacher to
the learner.
This might be tolerable in your case, where there presumably was just one
"learner" who could afford to spend the time more easily than you, the
teacher - it sure isn't the case with "professional" tutorials meant to
educate hundreds or more about some topic.
Video "tutorials" IM(H)O are simply wasting the time of those wanting to
learn in favor for easing the task of those _meant to_ teach, and that's why
I'm opposing them.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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