Yes, I like "proc" and "meth", because i like the short words.

I was thinking in using the two forms:

"proc" (short word) and "procedure" (long word).

"meth" (short word) and "method" (long word).

I would like to keep the PROCEDURE, in the honor of Pascal/Modula-2.

I'm not implementing objects by the moment, so I'm not using "method". But I 
have consider to use the "method" keyword too, before knowing about MSElang.

I think, people who is developing Pascal compilers, must talk in order to 
create compatible syntax, the most possible.

De: Martin Schreiber <>
Enviado: sábado, 10 de junio de 2017 04:54 a.m.
Asunto: Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSElang Objects

On Saturday 10 June 2017 06:15:09 Edson H wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I have seen you use "sub" for procedures or functions,  and "method" for
> object. Is it?

> I think you can use only PROCEDURE keyword, for procedures and functions
> (and probably for objects), like Modula-2, do.
I don't like "sub" much but found nothing better up to now. I think that
object methods deserve an own token "method" because of the implicit "self"
parameter. Comming from a Pascal background "procedure" implies that there
must be a "function" too but there is none in MSElang. Maybe "proc" instead
of "sub" and "meth" instead of "method" what do you think?
proc test1(a: int32): flo64;
proc test2(const a: string8);
meth objty.test3(a: int32): flo64;
meth objty.test4(const a: string8);
meth ctest.test3(a: int32): flo64;
meth ctest.test4(const a: string8);
It has the advantage that procedure and method names are aligned. More
experiments are needed.


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