On Tuesday 26 September 2017 17:03:20 Martin Schreiber wrote:

> > Would it be possible to draw on the canvas of a TSlider.scrollbar.face ?
> > This to draw the wave-form of a song as background of a slider.
> Activate tslider.scrollbar.face, select a tfacecomp in template and use
> tfacecomp.onafterpaint.
> "
> procedure tmainfo.faceafterpaint(const sender: tcustomface;
>                const canvas: tcanvas; const arect: rectty);
> begin
>  canvas.drawline(arect.pos,ms(arect.cx-1,arect.cy-1),cl_red);
>                          //ms is shorthand for makesize
> end;
> "
Probably more efficient is to paint the background image one time to 


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