Hello Martin.

Now that the pcaudiolib trip has ended, if you agree, i will give my
sentiments (if not, just do not read what follows).

Jonathan Duddington, the creator of eSpeak did choose GPL license for his
eSpeak code.
I did ask him if he had plan to make it it LGPL, but no, this was not in his
So I **TOTALLY** respect this and did use eSpeak only as executable.

But Jonathan also choose to use, as sound-output-library, a library without
any license (Portaudio) , so even more permissive than a LGPL library.

eSpeak-ng, who is a fork of eSpeak, IMHO, imposes the use of his GPL
sound-output library.
IMHO again, it is not fair, there is something different that the spirit of
original eSpeak.

Also, take a look at Pcaudiolib source and compare it with the Portaudio
Huh, it is nearly a copy-paste (with some name-flavor for methods of
Pulseaudio (that is LGPL)).

My 0,00001 cent:  Pcaudiolib should rename his license into LGPL.



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