Hello fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Tue, 24 Jul 2018 07:41:42 -0500 (CDT):

> Hello Seighard.
(Doesn't your editor extract this from the cited posting?)

> > - considering, that these two _object_ files seem to be multi
> > architacture in systems with multi architecture support.   
> Not sure to understand.
> Do you mean that it exist object_ files that have both ELF32+64
> signatures ? And then only one file could be used in a multi-arch system ?

Yes, that's how it looked to me after a few tests with the system linker
on my machine, set up for multi-arch support, because I have to build -
and built successfully several times before - 32-bit fpc / mse programs
at times.

> If so, I did not know that such object_ files exist.

I was surprised also that the linker did only accept the files from lib64,
but complained about those from lib32, independent of the requested target
architecture (both under /usr/, I don't have any crt*.o under /lib at all -
maybe these are links to those in /usr/lib64 on your system?).

> > You're _certain_ that these files are really multi-arch and were not 
> > replaced by single-arch files by a previous update?   

But now, after some more more thorough testing, this seems to have been a
false impression.
I probabely didn't use the correct option for this kind of work yesterday,
which caused the linker to happily ignore the architecture settings I gave
it and always produce 64-bit files. The correct option to produce 32-bit
output ist "-m elf_i386" ("m" for "emulation"), and using this, it does
require the 32-bit crt*.o files to be provided and outputs a real 32-bit
elf program.
This architecture switching and cross compiling stuff certainly is somewhat

> I am only sure that I did install 2 days ago Linux ManJaro + enabled
> multi-arch 64+32.
> And running fpc32 on that 64 bit OS raise a error at linking because of
> those 2 crti.o and crtn.o files.

So it looks like the /lib/crt*.o files of this installation keep the linker
from searching for and finding the right files in the right directory.
You might attempt to try removing them (making sure you can reinstall them)
and see whether building your 32-bit program succeeds then.
This deviation from common practice might be regarded as a bug, at least as
an idiosyncrasy, of Manjaro then.

Anyway, whether you continue trying or just use the work around you found
already, it's probabely my turn to beg for pardon for the noise...

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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