>I miss Clipper soooo much!

Yes, it was the time of ascii art without ai.

About DB, what do you think about mORMot ?

And Zeos (included in msegui-widgets)?

And msegui-db?

All seem to use the same root databases...

De : vasi vasi <funl...@gmail.com>
Envoyé : samedi 26 août 2023 00:25
À : General list for MSEide+MSEgui <mseide-msegui-talk@lists.sourceforge.net>
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] dropdownedit tdropdownlisteditlb

I miss Clipper soooo much! These days, we have Harbour instead 
(https://github.com/harbour/core), but there is no time for it anymore...

When Delphi appeared with its Paradox engine and DBI, Clipper lost relevance to 
me. But I long for its simplicity. Anyway, Typhoon Relational Database Engine, 
does it for me these days, for small and fast little projects.

Foe complex and huge applications, Firebird and PostgreSQL are better suited.

On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 10:08 PM Fred vS 
<fi...@hotmail.com<mailto:fi...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Hello Sieghard.

Of course your samples are more than welcome.

AsI have already warned, msegui DB is new jungle territory for me.

The last time I worked with DB, it was with Clipper (a pseudo-compiler for DB3) 
and all seems to have a few changed since that heroic days... 😉

@Med, for the name of fields, maybe check the datasource used by the 
dropdownedit. (I have to jump into msegui-db, I dont know....)

De : Sieghard via mseide-msegui-talk 
Envoyé : vendredi 25 août 2023 18:54
À : 
Cc : Sieghard <s_c_...@arcor.de<mailto:s_c_...@arcor.de>>
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] dropdownedit tdropdownlisteditlb

Hello Fred,

you wrote on Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:50:19 +0000:

> Imho, it would be much better if the data-test used would be something
> more understandable-real-life than 'hdskdkjdlkds' or 'qhhsusuidddcas'.


> (And of course it would need to create those data and yes, it is boring
> work)

That's THE problem - whoever would want to do such things?
But - if you took the trouble to provide a _specification_ of data you
wanted to use in your demos, maybe that could be done by some code?

BTW, if you think of time series of more or less random data, I _could_
perhaps provide some "interesting" samples. Could a section from energy
collection values from a PV system do? Or voltage recordings from a battery
test stand? Or simply "arbitrary" consumption values from some arbitrary
facility? Of course, these are all time series, including integer and real
values, randomly some strings and other data formats. You had to specify
the transfer format (SQL, csv, xlsx?) and expected size. The selection will
be done in such a manner as to allow usage for time series graphing, but
nothing as to what they mean or apply to will be accessible.

As I wrote, I DID embark on a new "project", a more or less universal data
base browser for (my) posgresql data, and it's even mostly done. Due to
some quirks of, probabely, fpc itself it cannot access all data yet, as the
data base routines don't know about some postgresql data types. These are,
as far as I found, enumeration types and time intervals. They are simply
returned as "ftUnknown" without any data, and there seems to be no way to
access them or get more information about them. That's blocking my way now.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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