On 12/09/13 20:48, DJ Delorie wrote:
> Just FYI, the port is now "official" as it's been approved and checked
> in to the FSF repository!
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2013-09/msg00107.html
> I have some follow-up patches that will get commited "shortly" too,
> though.

Great news!

Do you know of any timeplans for when it will be possible to get
"official" toolchain snapshot packages with gcc, binutils and a library
as prebuilt packages and source bundles?  As a developer, I can play
around with a self-built gcc, but for professional work it is critical
to be able to say "I am using TI's msp430 gcc toolchain version
2013-09-12" and know that the library and the code generators are
identical (including bug-for-bug) whether I use that release on Windows
or Linux, and whether I get it now or in ten years time.

I don't mind whether it is Red Hat or TI that handle such packaging and
releases, but that's what we need.  Getting the port working and into
the FSF tree is the biggest step in this journey, but it would be nice
to know the timeframe forward.

In the meantime, I will try out your new port if I can get the time.



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