On 14/09/13 01:25, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> For small targets like this, it is common to compile C++ with "-fno-rtti
> True, but even the "static objects must be initialized" code adds some
> runtime space/time cost.  It's not much, but the smallest MSP430's
> don't have much rom/ram to spare.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but this only applies when the 
initialisation involves a constructor function rather than just 
assignment of a fixed value.  In C, initialisers must always be a 
compile-time constant, and the static objects are handled just like any 
global objects (but with non-global names) - they go in the "initialised 
data" section, and are set up before main() starts by a straight copy of 
the flash data into the ram data.

C++ allows initialisers that are not constant - they can be function 
calls, or object constructors.  For global and file-scope objects, these 
are all run before main() is called.  These might add extra code space 
because the constructor calls can't be fully inlined here, but it should 
not be much.

For function-local statics, there is an overhead - as far as I 
understand it, the compiler does the equivalent of this translation:

void foo(void) {
        static type local = constructor();

implemented very roughly as:

void foo(void) {
        static type local;
        static bool local_is_initialised = false;

        if (!local_is_initialised) {
                local = constructor();
                local_is_initialised = true;

If I am correct here, then yes, this means extra code, extra ram, and 
extra run-time to handle such static initialised objects.

However, I don't really see that as a problem.  This is an extra feature 
that C++ gives you, which you do not have to use - it is therefore fine 
that there is a cost associated with using the feature.  It is not like 
exceptions, that can sometimes have a cost even if you don't use them - 
that's why the "-fno-exceptions" flag is nice.

I wonder if it would be legal for the compiler to translate the above 
"foo" into:

static type foo_local = constructor();
void foo(void) {
        #define local foo_local

That way, the static construction of "local" would be done before main() 
using the table of global constructors (coming after the real global 
constructors, of course), and therefore minimal overhead.  The 
disadvantage is that such static objects would be constructed whether 
they are needed or not - but on embedded systems, you usually aim to 
avoid having functions that are never called, so all static objects 
would need to be constructed sooner or later.



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