Thanks for the reply.  I replaced the signing certificate in group policy,
so it should be pushed out to all of the computers by now.  Even if it's
not, that wouldn't cause the publication to fail publishing to SCCM would
it? ( I have confirmed that the new cert shows in trusted publishers on the
sccm server.)

As for the "Sign all" box, I've tried that, but the publish still fails.
Looking at SCUP.log, I can see where for updates that I had just published
yesterday it now says ". . . is already published on the update server and
has not changed, resign is needed." and then proseeds to resign the
package.  However, for packages that were published before I found the
certificate problem yesterday, I'm getting the following:

Building dependency graph for update 'Apple Mobile Device Support
(x64) (UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
    Update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' has direct dependency on 1 other
items. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
            Evaluating dependency on item
'59653007-e2e9-4f71-8525-2ff588527978'... Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
            Update with id '59653007-e2e9-4f71-8525-2ff588527978' was not
found in the database, unable to fully evaluate it and it's
dependencies. Updates
Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
Found total of 1 dependencies (may include duplicates). Updates
Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
1 dependencies were not found in scup database during dependency evaluation
for update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: BEGIN--- Publishing 0 (duplicates removed) dependencies for
update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')'. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: END --- Publishing dependencies for update 'Apple Mobile
Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')'. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: Publishing update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')'. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: --- Evaluating software update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64) (UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29'
Vendor:'Apple' Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' for publishing as
FullContent. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: An older version of item 'Apple Mobile Device Support
(x64) (UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' is already published on the update
server with content, metadata changes will be published leaving the content
alone. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:42 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: --- Software update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' needs to be revised due to updated
metadata. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:42 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: --- SDP XML file for publishing created at
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF301.tmp Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:42 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: --- Calling update server API for revision of update 'Apple
Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:42 AM 9 (0x0009)
2014-12-23 15:13:43.732 UTC Info Scup2011.9 ThreadEntry
ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:43 AM 9
2014-12-23 15:13:43.733 UTC Info Scup2011.9
CabUtilities.CheckCertificateSignature File cert verification failed for
with 2148204801 Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:43 AM 9 (0x0009)
2014-12-23 15:13:43.734 UTC Error Scup2011.9
Publisher.GetLocalFileDetails VerifyAndPublishPackage():
Failed to Verify Signature for file:
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at Scup.Wizards.PublishItem.RevisePackage(PublishReportItem reportItem,
IPublisher publisher)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at Scup.Wizards.NormalPublishItem.Publish(PublishReportItem
reportItem)  1/1/1601
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at Scup.Wizards.PublishItem.PublishUpdateAndDependencies(PublishReport
report)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at Scup.Wizards.PublishOperation.Start()  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796
   at Scup.Wizards.PublishProgressPage.DoWork(Object sender,
DoWorkEventArgs e)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object
argument)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)  1/1/1601
12:00:00 AM 84616796
msg, IMessageSink replySink)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext
executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean
preserveSyncCtx)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext
executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean
preserveSyncCtx)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() Updates
Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:43 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: InvalidException occurred during revision: Verification of
file signature failed for file:
Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:43 AM 9 (0x0009)
Publish: A fatal error occurred during publishing :Signature verification
exception during revision, verify the WSUS certificates and advanced
timestamp setting are properly configured. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:43 AM 9 (0x0009)
Publish: Background processing completed. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:43 AM 1 (0x0001)
Building dependency graph for update 'Apple Mobile Device Support
(x64) (UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
    Update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' has direct dependency on 1 other
items. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
            Evaluating dependency on item
'59653007-e2e9-4f71-8525-2ff588527978'... Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
            Update with id '59653007-e2e9-4f71-8525-2ff588527978' was not
found in the database, unable to fully evaluate it and it's
dependencies. Updates
Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
Found total of 1 dependencies (may include duplicates). Updates
Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
1 dependencies were not found in scup database during dependency evaluation
for update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: BEGIN--- Publishing 0 (duplicates removed) dependencies for
update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')'. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: END --- Publishing dependencies for update 'Apple Mobile
Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')'. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: Publishing update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')'. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: --- Evaluating software update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64) (UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29'
Vendor:'Apple' Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' for publishing as
FullContent. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:41 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: An older version of item 'Apple Mobile Device Support
(x64) (UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' is already published on the update
server with content, metadata changes will be published leaving the content
alone. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:42 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: --- Software update 'Apple Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' needs to be revised due to updated
metadata. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:42 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: --- SDP XML file for publishing created at
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF301.tmp Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:42 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: --- Calling update server API for revision of update 'Apple
Mobile Device Support (x64)
(UpdateId:'02f16061-bedb-4c8d-ba1d-737feb98ba29' Vendor:'Apple'
Product:'Apple Mobile Device Support')' Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:42 AM 9 (0x0009)
2014-12-23 15:13:43.732 UTC Info Scup2011.9 ThreadEntry
ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:43 AM 9
2014-12-23 15:13:43.733 UTC Info Scup2011.9
CabUtilities.CheckCertificateSignature File cert verification failed for
with 2148204801 Updates Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:43 AM 9 (0x0009)
2014-12-23 15:13:43.734 UTC Error Scup2011.9
Publisher.GetLocalFileDetails VerifyAndPublishPackage():
Failed to Verify Signature for file:
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at Scup.Wizards.PublishItem.RevisePackage(PublishReportItem reportItem,
IPublisher publisher)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at Scup.Wizards.NormalPublishItem.Publish(PublishReportItem
reportItem)  1/1/1601
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at Scup.Wizards.PublishItem.PublishUpdateAndDependencies(PublishReport
report)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at Scup.Wizards.PublishOperation.Start()  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796
   at Scup.Wizards.PublishProgressPage.DoWork(Object sender,
DoWorkEventArgs e)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object
argument)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)  1/1/1601
12:00:00 AM 84616796
msg, IMessageSink replySink)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext
executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean
preserveSyncCtx)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext
executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean
preserveSyncCtx)  1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
12:00:00 AM 84616796 (0x50B265C)
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() Updates
Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:43 AM 9 (0x0009)
PublishItem: InvalidException occurred during revision: Verification of
file signature failed for file:
Publisher 12/23/2014 9:13:43 AM 9 (0x0009)
Publish: A fatal error occurred during publishing :Signature verification
exception during revision, verify the WSUS certificates and advanced
timestamp setting are properly configured. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:43 AM 9 (0x0009)
Publish: Background processing completed. Updates Publisher 12/23/2014
9:13:43 AM 1 (0x0001)

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 9:04 AM, Linkey, Mike <>

> You have to make sure the new cert is on all the workstations and then
> resign all of your updates.  Check the box at the bottom when you publish
> them.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Steve Whitcher
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 23, 2014 8:47 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [mssms] SCUP Certificate expired - How to republish old
> updates?
> A couple of weeks ago, our OSD TS started failing.  In the logs, I found a
> few updates were failing to install.  All of the problem updates were for
> 3rd party software, published through SCUP.  When I tried republishing
> updates from SCUP, I found that the signing certificate had expired.  (I
> wouldn't expect that to have caused already published updates to fail to be
> deployed, especially since I do have the time-stamp option enabled in SCUP,
> but I can't find any other reason that these particular updates would be
> failing to deploy.)
> I removed the affected updates from update groups so that they wouldn't be
> deployed anymore, and now the TS is completing successfully.  I've
> requested a new cert from our CA and installed it in SCUP.  I added the new
> cert to trusted publishers via group policy.  I added a handful of new
> updates to an publication in SCUP and tried to re-publish it.  The publish
> fails early on, with a failure to verify the signature on a package.
> Looking at the logs, it appears that the package in question is an update
> that was published previously.  Since the package is the same and only
> metadata has changed, SCUP doesn't push the package again, but tries to
> update the metadata only.  I am guessing that the signature verification
> fails because the package was signed with the old certificate, which was
> valid at the time, but has since expired.
> Does that make sense?
> At this point, I removed all old updates from the publication in SCUP and
> published it successfully with only the new updates.  I believe I need to
> somehow get the old updates re-published though, so that they will have the
> updated metadata and the correct signature on the package, and can be added
> back into update groups for deployment.  How can I get these previously
> published updates to republish to SCCM?
> Thanks,
> Steve Whitcher

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