At 09:10 AM 02/28/99 -0300, you wrote:

>So why the people that organizes
>Tilburg fair and the software coders don't sell their softwares allowing
>people to pay with credit cards?

I have no idea how to accept credit cards. Can someone tell us?
If it's difficult, maybe one organisation could do it (Sunrise, NBNO, ...)
and distribute software for everyone.

There is another option. An organisation in Brazil could distribute foreign
games. They could send the disks to the buyer right away and send to money
to the creators once for every 10 games for example. What we need is
someone who is willing to spend time and is trustworthy.

And yet another option: make your product freeware. In that case, net
distribution solves almost every problem. You can still sell it at fairs at
a low price, for people who don't have net access, for people who like
disks with nice labels and for promotion.


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