At 08:52 26/02/99 +0100, you wrote:
>> >I think the number of people with GFX9000 is closer to 300 than to 3.
>> >
>> >> But I think the graphic programs for MSX are better than the
>> programs for
>> >> PC. I mean that the MSX programs are capable to change little
>> things like
>> >> colors and some pixels very fast. I don't need a PC for that.
>> >
>> >That's your opinion. Personally, I prefer the PC to draw. I can have
>> >multiple images open at the same time, use layers, use image filters,
>> do
>> >dithering etc.
>> >Paint Shop Pro can change colors very easily and pixels aren't that
>> >difficult either (although it's not as easy as GraphSaurus).
>>         There is a guy here in Brazil who developed a palette file for
>> Photoshop
>> and Paint Shop which 'emulates' perfectly the MSX 256 color-palette.
><sarcastic mode >
>How fantastic ...
></sarcastic mode >
>Everbody can write this stuff.
>It took me 1 (one) minute of perl-coding to make this color palet file.

        Well, I'm not 'Everybody', and I don't care if you need a minute or a hour...

        But you have never put it into a homepage and told to everyone: "Hey, I've
done that! If it'd helps you, get it into my homepage, it's free!". He had
done this. 

        So, as I was saying, a friend of mine here in Brazil developed this
pallete file, so it helps me a lot, when I'm using Paint Shop Pro to
prepare any picture to be used in MSX. Then, using this piece of byte, we
can use some nice (but very few) graphic programs into PC, like PSP, Gimp... 

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