At 08:42 PM 3/3/99 +0100, you wrote:

>Now you can make a nice hook which sets SCNCNT to 255 so that the BIOS
>key/joy-routines aren't used, and then run a copy of the keyboard-routine
>and add a Joystick-routine which doesn't affect the JoyNet pins...
>Hey, you got that??? Now you don't even have to do difficult things to a
>*complete new* interrupt-routine, you can still use your own, and IT WORKS
>UNDER BASIC!!! And Basic is cool because you can then easily program little
>test-progs or small games etc... Good idea of me, eh???

Well, you can use BASIC unless you need to read the keyboard. Making for
example a simple chat program is not possible.

Also, I am not sure it will work on every MSX.

A different option is to make a protocol that always ends in the state with
the data bits 1 and the strobe 0. That's how I solved the BIOS problems in
my implementation.


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