At 18:27 25/03/99 -0300, you wrote:
>>  MP> Total: 71 clockcicles. Conclusion: you're right, it's not possible to
>>  MP> use 1.2Mb or 1.44Mb disks with Z80 at 3.57MHz. It's BAD!
>>  MP>
>>  MP> Then, there's still a chance only for Turbo-R.
>> Not only ... What about MSX2 with 7 MHz kit? ;-)
>A very good idea! I didn't remember about that, because it's home made.
>But it solves our problem of Z80 timeout.
>Perhaps all MSX (including MSX1) could be converted to operate at 7MHz.

        Sure, there were a Turbo board 4 MSX, Brazilian-built in the late
eighties, I can remember. 
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