
Werner Kai wrote:

>> > I found a program called "RAMDISK.BIN" - That is the 'Mapper Ramdisk
>> >2.14 by P. te Bokkel'.
>> Maarten ter Huurne wants that program. Can you please mail it to him?
>       I did send it to him.

Thanks again for sending. I started disassembling it.

What I found out so far is that this RAMdisk doesn't add the drives when
it's first called (using cartridge mechanism, "AB" etc). On the first call,
it puts a routine on some hook (#FEDA) and later, when that hook is called,
the drives are added.

This probably solves the problem I had: if I added new drives to the table
at #FB21, those values were overwritten by the internal diskROM.

If this is solved, only one problem remains: how to increase the total
number of drives. Until now, I have only been able to replace existing
drives (B-floppy for example). But I think the RAMdisk source will provide
this answer as well.

I'll keep you people informed!

Oh, I also found another bug in TASM: it can't handle "ORG -7". I needed
that because my disassembler couldn't handle a program starting at #C000 so
it disassembled everything as if it started at address 0. To add a BLOAD
header, I needed 7 extra bytes. Although TASM doesn't complain about the
"-7", it does hang (keeps generating output, 42MB .BIN file when I reset my


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