MkII wrote:
> >         Fclock
> >Freq=--------------
> >     16*(r0+r1*256)
> Yes, but I'm looking for a precalculated table, just to save the hassle of
> searching for an "equal-tempered" scale in Hz and coding a piece of BASIC
> or CM to generate the table 8:\
Well, make a program to create the table you want.
Or, tell me how is the format of this table which you want and I'll do
it for you.

> OK, thanks. I did it on the ZX Spectrum an the ST, but they have the Yamaha
> flavour of the PSG.
Do you believe that I made a Stereo 4bit PCM player for MSX1????
However it was not a true stereo, it was only 2 channels PCM, not really
"stereo" because I used channel A and B of PSG. ;-)
But the quality of the sound..... :-( 
(Sampling rate about 5~6Khz)

MkII wrote:
> What's the actual effect of setting both pitch registers of a channel to 0?
> A "frozen" wave or a "supersonic" pitch wave?
The ocilator stops.


Alex Mitsio Sato

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