> > Someone advised me to use FDSAVE (of MegaSCSI utils), but this gives
> > the same DOS error...!
>   Are you telling about create diskimages of games? I used FDSAVE to
>   create Illsion City, Fray and another softwares without problems... If
>   you're having problems with yours disks try do use DSKI$ command in
>   BASIC. If it runs good! If not you've a problem...

Yes, but then I need to write such a program myself! ;-)

>   Another solution is use F2D, D2F and others programs from Xelasoft(?)
>   for work with XSA files.

But I need a DSK file, not an XSA file...

Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)

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